01 November, 2017

Today's activity

So I'm taking this wellbeing class at my local gym (as I think I mentioned in my last post).  Since I'm now working earlier hours for the winter (I get out of work at 4 instead of 5), that gives me a good chunk of time to hop on the treadmill at the gym before my class starts, probably 40 minutes or so.

Then I have my class which is an hour of lecture/discussion (not sure what tonight's topic will be), followed by an hour of some sort of group fitness (no idea what that will be either).

Other item of note - we have about a bag of Halloween candy leftover from last night - but being the genius I am, I bought candy that I absolutely detest (Mounds and Almond Joy - both have coconut which I think is vile).  So no being tempted by what's at the house.  And seems like no one brought their leftovers to the office today, so that's good too.

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