05 January, 2018

2018 already?

So, here we are in another new year.  1.) I can’t believe how fast 2017 went – that’s crazy.  2.) I can’t believe it’s 2018 already.  Which scares me given what I’ve got on my plate this year.  A marathon again – OY.

It’s early January and I’m getting to be fairly consistent with exercise in general.  BUT, I am still having a good bit of discomfort with my heel/Achilles (yes, the same injury that’s been bothering me for the last 5 years).  I am absolutely 100000% convinced that taking off the extra 30 pounds I’ve been carrying around for the last several years would help my cause considerably.  As always, the challenge is how to do it (and how to muster up the mental energy to do it).  I can track my food and calories until the cows come home but if I don’t actually cut back on the amount of crap food I eat, the weight is not going to come off.

What I’ve found in past cycles of losing weight (because, yes, I am one of those folks who yoyo – I’ve lost the same 40 pounds several times), is that if I can get consistent with the exercise, that cleaning up the food happens more naturally.  Once you know what amount of effort it takes to burn 200 or 300 or 500 calories, it’s easier to cut out the crap that doesn’t really help fuel you well.

Anyways, I'm doing the "100 Day Challange" this year.  John Bingham, who used to write for Runners World, started this challenge - it's 100 days of at least 30 minutes of intentional movement, could be anything.  

Day 1 - walking on the TM in the basement
Day 2 - personal training session at the gym
Day 3 - walking on the TM in the basement
Day 4 - run/walk on the TM at the office before going to cribbage league

Today is day 5, so I'll do something when I get home from work.

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