08 August, 2013

week 4 of training

I'm now into Week 4 of my training plan for the NYC Marathon.

This week:
Monday - rest day
Tuesday - rest day
Wednesday - 6 miles including intervals
Thursday - 4 miles or flex day
Friday - 4 miles regular run
Saturday - rest day
Sunday - 9 miles

I got out for my 6 miles last night right after work.  It was 79f when I went out the door.  Did I bring water?  Umm, no.  Duh, Liz...  One of the longer and slower 6 milers I've ever run.  The upside of the run is that my Sis#2 joined me for miles 3-5.

Today is supposed to be rain/stormy, so I'll probably hit the TM at the gym for my 4 miles.

Last fun thing is that registration is open for November and December NYRR races, so I'm registered for one of my favorites, the NYRR Ted Corbitt Classic 15k.  I've run that race the last 2 years, and use it to see how my running is doing.

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